Bold. Iconic. Vibrant.

Unleash your creative soul.

The women in the woodshop

A shepherdess named Traci.

A fiber artist named Case.

Together, we make magic.

Our Story

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Fiber adventure awaits.

  • Beauty in the mess.

    We cherish salvaging wood, squeezing every drop of potential from each board. Every plank has a narrative, and we speak its language.

    In the Woodshop 
  • Authentically you.

    There is no room for 'shoulds' in the world of creativity. Embrace your boldness. Be unapologetically you. Let your inner self run wild.

    Creating in the Artist's Studio 
  • Connected to the land

    The tools connect us to the fiber. The fiber connects us to the sheep. The sheep connect us to the land. The land connects us to each other.

    From the Farm 
  • Linked to the past.

    Add your name to the Fiber Artist family tree going back thousands of years. Tradition with a twist for the modern artist.

    Upcoming Events