Collection: Selvedge - NOT Wool

This collection of selvedge contains both an acrylic warp (the mostly visible part) and an acrylic weft (the less visible part, typically white). 

Selvedge - NOT Wool

1 product

  • Sheep make wool

    This is Sam the Ram, who has lived on Traci's farm most of his life. He is gentle and sweet and loves to eat treats out of your hand. Read more about happenings on the farm on Traci's blog From the Farm.

    From the Farm 
  • Wool makes art

    Whether it is art that goes on your wall or your couch or your back, the versatility of this renewable resource is unbounded. Read more about creating with wool on Case's blog In the Artist's Studio.

    In the Artist's Studio 
  • Art needs tools

    We spend just as much time in the woodshop ooo-ing and aah-ing over the beauty we find hidden under years of wear. Read more about it in our blog In the Woodshop.

    In the Woodshop 
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